About us


About Us

Thank you for taking an interest in this ground-breaking brand new App, Developed by a South African, for South Africa, with plans to take it international as soon as possible.

The spirit and inspiration behind the design of the App is “people supporting people”, “community upliftment”, and “finding the hidden gems near you”.

The founder of the App, Kerry, has spent the last 10 years working on this idea, waiting for the right time in the world of technology to bring it into fruition. With a focus on this post-Covid19 climate of a country rebuilding itself, with new businesses opening/re-opening, the people of this country want to support and join all sorts of social events and activities near them. If only they knew what was on their doorstep.

We believe that this App will be life-changing to people countrywide.
With the support of all kinds of Wotters, from all walks of life, we will grow this App into a one stop shop to find “Where’s What?” and “What’s Happening?”

But we need your help too. We need to find all the Wotters in every town in this country, and this is where you, the Wezzers, come in. Refer a Wotter in your area, and stand a chance to win prizes. We will have giveaways on a weekly basis from January 2023.

Refer a Wezzer to double your chances at Winning!

Contact us at info@wezwot.com if you have any queries.

Looking forward to a new adventure with WezWot.
App Launching soon… register as an early bird and you will receive a link to the download on launch, as well as entries to win instant prizes.

The Team

Our team are a group of Dynamic, dedicated individuals from all walks of life, committed to the Vision.

Our Philosophy

Life is a journey, and a Journey without discovery is no life at all.


To be THE globally recommended solution to the questions of “Where’s what?” and “What’s happening?”