Please read this carefully to ensure you sign up in the correct role. As you probably know by now there are WEZZERS and WOTTERS –
We are Wotters:- Our band / business / club / event classifies us as a Wotter because we are hosting where’s what (wez wot π) and What’s happening.
We want to attract all Wezzer’s in our area to support what we have on offer every day / week
We will be punting and advertising on the Wezwot App, which will ensure the right audience are notified of specials and upcoming events before they happen.
Wezzers will be able to reserve a table or book a ticket in a matter of seconds.
Please note:- WEZWOT APP Launching early Feb.
Please also note: only first 1000 Wotters to register with the Early bird special will have 5 years access at just R199/month.
I am a Wezzer: I am classified as a Wezzer because I want to see where’s what (wez wot π) and What’s happening near me.
I want to easily see what (wot) the local Wotter’s have on offer every day.
I want notifications of specials and upcoming events before they happen, and be able to reserve a table or book a ticket in a matter of seconds.
Please also note:- only first 5000 Wezzers to register with the Early bird special will have 5 years access at just R99/year.